04 April 2021

One, Two ...

 Appearing on the Indian 1ACross blog April 2021

One, Two ...

Seven across entries contain triple letters that spell TRIPLES


  1. Great effort
  2. Sadly I didn’t enjoy the puzzle all that much. Too many obscure and/or British references with uninspired clueing. Nebbisher for instance, an arcane word clued using neb and bish with a surface that made no sense(to me atleast) is one among the lot. I plodded on awaiting a penny drop or a grand theme reveal which unfortunately never materialized. Maybe it’s just me being grumpy or dense.
  3. Very enjoyable puzzle.
  4. Unknown bonus answers
  5. Interesting puzzle
  6. Excellent puzzle, though a bit more straightforward than a barred puzzle with a twist I was expecting from Eclogue. Nice mix of clues, some crafty (Utensil and Sash in particular), but the long anagrams made solving rather less strenuous than one is used to. Very enjoyable. Theme word of course could easily be identified with the enumeration, but ‘What is the theme?’ gave me pause – could potentially be answered in a number of ways. Unless there is another theme that I’ve missed!
  7. happy easter
  8. Very well constructed with a good mix of well-known words and more obscure words. Very easy to get the theme after a couple of answers, but the theme word took some careful observation. Thank you for a fun puzzle!
  9. Nice to have a quick solve after last month’s!
  10. challenging but a lot of fun. Great grid. Kudos
  11. good fun
  12. A nice idea, though BRRRS and LEOIII were rather giveaways. 17D Italian is usually IT not IL. 19D surely SPEW and OOZE are not synonymous.
  13. Neither too easy nor too difficult. Creative theme.
    “14. A lot of the surfaces just don’t make sense. 22a, 26a, 27a, 2d, 6d, 10d, 17d, 18d, 24d, to be specific.
    I also never thought I would see something like BRRRB in a crossword puzzle (assuming it is right). It’s understandable that it was done for the RRR, but I wonder if it’s kosher.
    The theme was evident after getting two of the triplets, and the word triples after the third. Save for the fact I knew there had to be an RRR sequence, I would never have considered BRRRB.
    To add to this, many definitions were vague. How are wasps malevolent ‘people’? Human interest = content of news story? AB = God? The connections once made are understandable, but they are either redundant or vague.
    I also have no idea how to annotate TYPHOON, SALT EEL, NEBBISHER, and UTENSIL either partially of completely, assuming of course that they are right.”
  14. nice, simple theme. good fun
  15. Many Obscure words, otherwise a nice grid with reasonable degree of difficulty
  16. Couldn’t parse a couple of clues (10d and 17d), but otherwise found this fairly smooth. The theme is nice, but it did limit the kind of words that could be used, leading to some weird solution words like 9a and 11a. Overall – didn’t enjoy this one as much as I’ve enjoyed the last few puzzles on this site
  17. Wonderful theme. Arrangement of themed words in the rows in a sequential order made it easy to spot the theme word. Brilliant idea.
  18. Fun solving the puzzle.
  19. Nice and simple grid.
  20. Really enjoyable, clever use of the theme letters to spell a relevant word
  21. Good fun…found some of the definitions a little vague..otherwise very entertaining
  22. Nice Puzzle
  23. Nice Puzzle
  24. Not as fond of this one as some others. I feel like there may be some regional conventions that I’m missing in the word play because I’m Canadian.
  25. Complicated by enjoyable.
  26. A fun and inventive theme. Mostly good and challenging clues; a few seemed stretchy (25a WASPS=malevolent people? 2d HO=stop? 23d LANG is not a verb in Scots per an online dictionary, and the currency is actually Ban Liang). Clues for the 4 longest words were all anagrams; would have preferred more variety.
  27. Tough puzzle but satisfying to solve
  28. Superb
  29. Easy theme to spot and fun solve.
  30. Many surfaces are not plausible
  31. Nice puzzle and theme! Found some of the clues difficult, especially the ones that use slang, and haven’t managed to anno a couple even after looking things up.
  32. good one!
  33. Good puzzle. Well constructed but some surfaces don’t mean much
  34. Interesting

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